Eve's Daughters (Evas Döttrar)

Original title EVAS DÖTTRAR
Production Year 1995
Duration 56 mins
Language Versions Available Original language version (Different Nordic and Baltic languages) with English subtitles.
Produced by Christina Olofson, CO.FILM, Sweden
Script Christina Olofson
It all began at a theatre festival in 1994 in Finland. Five countries, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Norway and Finland each produce a drama about five women from The Bible; Rute, Rut, Eeva, Hanna and Juudit. The film is an im-pressionistic mosaic with scenes from everyday life, rehearsals, monologues, dance and music.


"COLOURFUL - a fantastic experience."
"Some sequences are highly suggestive."
Svenska Dagbladet

"..singular forceful pictures...beats most other films currently on offer."
Dagens Nyheter

"I would not be surprised if her film is more interesting than the festival itself"

"EVE'S DAUGHTERS is very well edited and there is an excellent interaction between pictures and music which enhances and makes the pictures interesting"